Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jessica's first blog

Hey what's up everyone, it's the "Native Son" one more gain!! Now I know it's been a while since I last posted anything, and I was going to post up something new, but i decided to let someone else post on my blog. Now it's not just anyone, it's my "baby girl". Yup, This is Jessica's first blog. Oh sorry baby, It's Jessie Phoenix's first blog. So here it is.

Why did I decide to become a wrstler? Well my inspiration to become a wrestler was my dad, Robby Phoenix. He has five (5) gold championship belts, so I want to be a wrestler like my dad, and win gold belts.

I am 9 years old, and an artist, so I draw alot at home. My favorite color is firery red. My favorite food is Pepporoni pizza. I grew up with wrestlers like Supreme, Carnage, and BC Killer in my house, and i've enjoyed watching them wrestle.

I am currently training at the Santino Brothers Wrestling Academy. Kaos and Mongol are the owners of the Santino Bros. Academy, Jezabell is a manager to Kaos and Rico Dynamite. With the help of my dad Robby Phoenix, Kaos, Mongol, Jezabell, Ray Rosas, Lucha Machine, and the rest of the Santino family, i know that i will be a great wrestler just like they are.

Well, there it is. My baby's first blog. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think. Till next time c'ya!!!

And don't forget to check out www.santinobros.net, www.mongolsantino.com, look me up on facebook. And no I'm not going to plug "Gay Rosas".com

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